3 ways to use social media to connect with property buyers

28 May 2019
Indonesia , Malaysia , Singapore , Thailand

With an estimated 2.77 billion social media users around the globe in 2019, there is no question that property developers need to be on social media to increase brand awareness and generate leads. However, it’s a scary digital world out there and if you are not doing it right, you may as well not do it at all. So here are three handy tips on how to leverage social media the right way so you start seeing results. 


1) Build a strategy and review it consistently 

Social media platforms are a great way of reaching your target audience fast. Unfortunately, as you don’t “own” them, you have no control of how they will change. Platforms like Facebook are regularly changing their algorithms, which impacts how and if your posts are being viewed, and “free” advertising on such platforms is becoming a thing of the past. To keep your head above water and not have these changes affect your ROI, you need to have a strategy. Plan the types of content you will send out, the frequency, and the key topics you will focus on – what do you want to be known for? All posts should visually reflect your brand, so make sure they follow style guidelines and reflect your brand voice. 

Don’t fall into the trap of putting anything out there just to be seen and hoping for the best. Define your goals – what do you want to achieve with social media marketing? Review your platform statistics to see which posts get better traction and do more of that. Is video getting better results, or humour, or personal facetime? Keep checking back regularly to see if results change so your posts don’t get stale.  


2) Choose your platform and stick to it 

Trying to get on all social media platforms is next to impossible. Not only is it tiring to keep up with but it will dilute your messaging. Each popular platform has its strengths and attracts a specific audience. Find out where your audience likes to hang out and focus your efforts on those one or two platforms. Ignore the rest. Avoid the temptation of using automated scheduling tools to post the same content across multiple platforms. Social media is mostly about being authentic and engaging so automated posts don’t bring the same level of engagement as a live post would or a post reacting to current events in your industry. Certainly, use these schedulers to knock out evergreen content that will keep your brand awareness up, but don’t forget to pepper in “real” posts that you know work well on the particularly platform you place them on.  


3) Engage, engage, engage! 

Engagement is the name of the game on social media. Nobody likes to be sold to, especially in their social space! So, promotional content isn’t going to get you as far as you want to think. Users are looking for informative content, something of value to them and they want to have fun too. Your posts should be leaving your visitors wanting more. Look at case studies of companies that do social media well and break down what it is they are doing that makes this happen. Then copy the model! Engage your users emotionally by getting them involved in your story so you can begin to create long-lasting customer relationships. Storytelling drives brand loyalty. 


So there you have it. Social media platforms are a powerful resource, but you need to have a plan of action and review it regularly. You need to be where your buyers are and not promote to them but rather engage through storytelling.